Bí-geng (big-)

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bí-geng (big-)

According to the Old English Dictionary:

bí-geng (big-)
Add: and e ; f. (? infra.] I. practice, exercise, doing :-- Líf mid gódra weorca bigenge frætwian, Ll. Th. ii. 402, 5. Bígencge, Hml. Th. ii. 48, 28. Biggenge, R. Ben. 3, 7. For lárlicere bígenge propter gymnicum (philosophiae) stadium, An. Ox. 2283. Onscuniendlice on biggen[g]on (studiis) heora, Ps. Spl. 13, 2. ꝥ man mid gódum biggencgum Gode gecwéme, Hml. S. 13, 114. II. cultivation, tillage :-- Hí swuncon on wíngeardes biggencge, Hml. Th. ii. 74, 33, 25. III. religious or ecclesiastical practice, observance, worship :-- Bígenge cultura (paganorum). An. Ox. 4558. Ðis hǽðen-gyld deófles biggeng is, Hml. Th. i. 72, 4. On bíggenge Godes beboda, 544, 25. Tó þám bígenge his gebeda ad orationis studium, Gr. D. 36, 19: 71, 10. Gástlicre rǽdincge bígencge (studio), Angl. xiii. 392, 383. Regullicum bígincge, 388, 353. Se gewuna belaf of hǽðenra manna biggenge, Hml. A. 146, 47. Ænigne deófles bígencg tó dónne, 143, 122. ꝥ hiora biggencgas ne wurdon ádwǽscte, Hml. S. 22, 195. Bígencgum ceremoniis .i. legibus divinis, An. Ox. 2224. þe Godes beboda mid biggengum ne healdad, Hml. S. 16, 172. Godes biggencgum, 24, 10: 25, 738- Mid wólicum biggencgum, 18, 392. Mánfulles hǽ þenscipesbígengcas ceremonias, An. Ox. 2624. Hwí ðú úre goda biggencgas forseó, Hml. S. 8, 57. Godes biggengas, Hml. Th. ii. 66, 16. Bysega and bígengas þysses Drihtenlican þeówdómes, R. Ben. 5, 10. v. bí-genge. bi-geng big-

Related words: An. Ox. 2283
