
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bi-scerian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

-scirian, -scyrian;

p. ede; pp. ed To deprive, separate; privare, separare :-- Wilna biscirede from desires separated, Exon. 48 b; Th. 166, 24; Gú. 1047. Dreámum biscyred from joys separated, 88 a; Th. 330, 23; Vy. 55. Faraþ nú, awyrgde, willum biscyrede engla dreámes, on éce fír go now, accursed, wilfully deprived of the joy of angels, into eternal fire, 30 a; Th. 93, 3; Cri. 1520: 95 a; Th. 355, 28; Reim. 84: 42 b; Th. 142, 17; Gú. 645.

Related words: be-scerian. bi-scerian
