Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bísgian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bísgian
- l. bisgian, and add: I. to occupy, employ :-- Ðæt hé suá micle sorgfulra sié ymb hine selfne, suá hine lǽs óðerra monna giémen bisegað (bisgað, ) tanto circa se sollicitius vivant, quanta eos aliena cura non implicat, Past. 191, 21. Bisiga ðé be sumum men; forðon bið ǽlces mannes líf sumes mannes lár, Prov. K. 43. Se láreów ðe bodunge underféhð, ne sceal hé hine sylfne mid worulðþingum bysgian (printed bysnian), Hml. Th. ii. 532, 27, II. to harass, trouble :-- Wildeór ús on þǽre nihte bisgodon, Nar. 15, 4. v. býsgian (l. bysgian) in Dict. bisgian