
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bísgung

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. [ = a-bísgung = a-býsgung] Business, occupation; negotium, occupatio :-- Fint he ða ryhtwísnesse gehýdde mid his módes bísgunga he will find the wisdom concealed by the occupation of his mind, Bt. 35, 1; Fox 156, 12. Ne forlǽte se reccere ða inneran giémenne ðæs godcundan þiówdómes for ðære abísgunge ðara úterra weorca let not the ruler forsake the inner care of the divine ministration for the occupation of outer works, Past. 18, 1; Hat. MS. 25 a, 29, 27, 30.

Related words: býsgu. bisgung
