Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bismerian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bismerian
- Add :-- Bysmraþ adludit, An. Ox. 46, 37. Hé bysmraþ men mid his dreócræfte, Bl. H. 183, 35. Se synfulla bysmraþ (irritavit) Drihten, Ps. Th. 9, 23. Mec þás elreordegan nú bysmergeað illudi me a barbaris existimavi, Nar. 25, 26. Bysmrode ic hine mid mínum ondswarum, 18, 13. Hé hí tintrade and bismrade, oþ hié mid ealle wǽron fordón and forhiéned cruentissimam victoriam exercuit, Ors. 3, 7; S. 118, 25. Hé þá biscepas for þǽre sægene swíþe bismrade irridens eos, 3, 10; S. 140, 2. Hé hine bismerode adortus est ilium contumeliis, Bt. 18, 4; F. 66, 28. Hié hine on þǽm tǽldon and bismrodan, ꝥ ..., Bl. H. 215, 9. Ne míne fýnd mé for ðý ne bysmrian (irrideant), Ps. Th. 24, 2. Mihtest þú bismerian þás andweardan welan, Bt. 14, 3; F. 46, 32. Folces bysmri(g)endes (beosmr-, ) vulgi insultantis, Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 620, 7. Gehispende, bysmriende insultantes, i. exprobrantes, An. Ox. 1474. Bismriende mid myclere bismre, Bl. H. 243, 7. Se mon bið bismrod (-ad) (inluditur) swá swá ðurh swefen, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 93, 10. Bismrud, Lk. 18, 32. [He bisemereþ and scorneþ þe guode men, Ayenb. 22, 20. O. H. Ger. bismarón illudere, blasphemare.] bismerian