Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bletsian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bletsian
- part. bletsiende, bletsigende; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad; To BLESS, wish happiness, consecrate; benedicere, consecrare :-- Ic Ismael éstum wille bletsian I will bless Ishmael with favours, Cd. 107; Th. 142, 5; Gen. 2357: 191; Th. 238, 23; Dan. 359; Gen. 17, 16. He, bletsiende [bletsigende, Jun.], bræc ða hláfas, and sealde his leorningcnihtum he, blessing, brake the loaves, and gave to his disciples, Mt. Bos. 14, 19. Ic bletsie ealle ða ðe hit healden I bless all who may observe it, Chr. 675; Erl. 39, 25. Ic bletsige oððe wel secge benedico, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 38. Ic bletsige ðé on mínum lífe benedicam te in vita mea, Ps. Lamb. 62, 5: Exon. 41 b; Th. 138, 22; Gú. 580. Ðú geáres hring mid gyfe bletsast benedices coronæ anni benignitatis tuæ, Ps. Th. 64, 12. We ðec bletsiaþ, Fæder ælmihtig we bless thee, Father almighty, Cd. 192; Th. 241, 6; Dan. 400: Exon. 64 b; Th. 239, 12; Ph. 620: Ps. Lamb. 128, 8. Ðú bletsodest [bletsadest, Th.] Drihten eorþan ðíne benedixisti Domine terram tuam, Ps. Spl. 84, 1. He bletsode hí benedicebat eos, Mk. Bos. 10, 16: Ps. Spl. 106, 38. Mid heora múþe híg bletsodon, and mid heora heortan híg wergdon ore suo benedicebant, et corde suo maledicebant, Ps. Lamb. 61, 5. Hí hine bletsadon meáglum wordum they blessed him in strenuous words, Exon. 43 a; Th. 146, 6; Gú. 705. Bletsa eálá ðú mín sáwl Drihtne benedic anima mea Domino, Ps. Lamb. 103, 1. Bletsiaþ Drihtne ealle englas his benedicite Domino omnes angeli ejus, 102, 20. Neáta gehwilc naman bletsic every [kind] of cattle bless [thy] name, Cd. 192; Th. 240, 22; Dan. 390. Bletsien ðec, Dryhten, deór and nýten beasts and cattle bless thee, O Lord, Exon. 55 a; Th. 194, 26; Az. 144. [Chauc. blisse, blysse: Wyc. blisse: Laym. bletseiȝen: Orm. blettcenn, blettsenn: Northumb. bletsia, bloetsia, bloedsia: Icel. bleza, bletza, blessa: Goth. bleiþs merciful, kind, bleiþyan to have mercy.] DER. ge-bletsian. bletsian