Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bóc-cest
According to the Old English Dictionary:
-cist, e; -ciste, an;
- bóc-cest
- f. Substitute: A receptacle for books, (1) of books for reading:-- Béc of bóccystan codices de blibliotheca, R. Ben. I. 83, 3. Apollonius his bócciste untýnde and ásmeáde þone rǽdels æfter údwitena wísdóme, Ap. Th. 5, 24. Bóccysta armaria, An. Ox. 27, 19. (2) of books for sale:-- Bóccest taberna (libraria), Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 7. [Cf. O. H. Ger. buoh-faz bibliotheca.] boc-cest