
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bodian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

bodigan, bodigean;

part. bodiende, bodigende; p. ode, ede, ade, ude; pp. od, ed, ad, ud; [bod a message]. I. to tell, announce, proclaim, preach; nuntiare, annuntiare, enuntiare, narrare, prædicare, evangelizare :-- Ongan se Hǽlend bodian cœpit Iesus prædicare, Mt. Bos. 4, 17: Mk. Bos. 1, 45: Exon. 49 a; Th. 169, 2; Gú. 1088. He ongan bodigean on Decapolim cœpit prædicare in Decapoli, Mk. Bos. 5, 20: Cd. 169; Th. 210, 4; Exod. 510. Ic eom asend ðé ðis bodian missus sum hæc tibi evangelizare, Lk. Bos. 1, 19: Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 13. To bodianne godcunde láre ad prædicandum docerinam divinam, 5, 9, titl; S. 622, 4. Com se Hǽlend on Galileam Godes ríces gódspell bodigende venit Iesus in Galilæam prædicans evangelium regni Dei, Mk. Bos. 1, 14: Ps. Lamb. 2, 6. Ic bodie annuntiabo, Ps. Th. 54, 17. Ðæt ic bodige oððe ðæt ic cýðe ealle herunga oððe lofunga ðíne on geatum déhter oððe dóhtra ðæs múntes [Siones] ut annuntiem omnes laudationes tuas in portis filiæ Sion, Ps. Lamb. 9, 15: Exon. 103 a; Th. 391, 3; Rä. 9, 10. Me ðes ár bodaþ frécne fǽrspell this messenger announces to me a horrible unforeseen message, Exon. 69 b; Th. 259, 3; Jul. 276: Bt. Met. Fox 29, 45; Met. 29, 23. Heofonas bodiaþ oððe cýðaþ wuldor Godes cæli enarrant gloriani Dei, Ps. Spl. 18, 1: Salm. Kmbl. 474; Sal. 237. Ðes apostol Iacobus bodode on Iudéa lande this apostle James preached in Judea [lit. in the land of the Jews], Homl. Th. ii. 412, 23. Ymb Bethleem bododon englas ðæt acenned wæs Crist on eorþan angels announced about Bethlehem that Christ was born on earth, Hy. 10, 23; Hy. Grn. ii. 293, 23. Bodedon heofonas rihtwísnysse his annuntiaverunt cali justitiam ejus, Ps. Spl. 96, 6: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 6; Jud. 244. Hý bodudon annuntiaverunt, Ps. Spl. 43, 1. Cýðaþ oððe bodiaþ betwux þeódum his gecneordnyssa oððe his ymbhoga annuntiate inter gentes studia ejus, Ps. Lamb. 9, 12: Andr. Kmbl. 669; An. 335. Wæs ðæt weátácen geond ða burh bodad the fatal token was proclaimed throughout the town, 2241; An. 1122. II. to foretell, predict, prophesy, promise; prædicere, promittere :-- Him ðone dæg willan Drihten bodode the Lord had foretold [promised] to him that day of desire, Cd. 133; Th. 168, 2; Gen. 2776: Beo. Th. 3608; B. 1802. Ðæt wæs oft bodod ǽr befóran fram fruman worulde it was often foretold long before from the beginning of the world, Elen. Kmbl. 2280; El. 1141. [Laym. bodien: O. Frs. bodia: Icel. boða to announce.] DER. fóre-bodian, ge-, to-. bodian

Related words: a.
