Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - brégan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- brégan
- Add :-- Ús deófol brégð mid yfelum geðóhtum, Hml. Th. i. 156, 30. Mid óðrum worde hé hierte, mid óðrum hé brégde (terret), Past. 53, 11. Réðe forebécna ꝥ folc earmlíce brégdon, Chr. 793; P. 55, 33. Þæt hit leásung wǽre, þæt hí þæt folc mid brégdan, Wlfst, 100, 7. Ðá óðre sint tó bréganne (-eanne, ) istis inferre metum debemus, Past. 181, 7. Bregende terrentia, An. Ox. 4419. [O. H. Ger. bruogen terrere.] bregan