Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bregdan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bregdan
- Add: I. trans. (1) with acc. (a) to pluck, pull, draw, drag :-- Sáh hé niðer ealre his mihte benumen, and hine man ðá brǽd intó ðæs kinges búre, Chr. 1053; P. 182, 22. Ealle men hine fram stówe tó stówe brúdon, Hml. S. 23, 653. Ompran ymbdelf, bréd up, Lch. ii. 116, 14: iii. 38, 12. Ne bréde gé nó ðá stengeas of ðǽm hringum, Past. 172, 10. (b) to move quickly to and fro :-- Brǽd ꝥ heáfod hiderand geond ofer ꝥ fȳr, Lch. ii. 38, 3. (c) to bind, knot :-- Þā brūdon hig rāpas on hyre hancla and on hyre fēt. Shrn. 154, 28 : 74, 30. (d) to bring a charge (braid in up-braid) :-- Þe lǣs þē God up brēde þone godspellican cwide lest God bring up against you that saying of the gospel, Wlfst. 248, 9. (e) to change :-- Þā brǣd se sceocca hine sylfne tō menn, Hml. S. ii. 222. On manegum ōþrum hīwum hine brǣd se deófol, 31, 718. Hē brǣd hine on feala bleóna, Bl. H. 175; 5. Se līchama ongan swǣtan and mislic hīw brēdan, Wlfst. 141, 3. (2) with dat. (cf. Icel. bregda with dat.), to change :-- Hī gehērad hleódrum brægdan ōdre fugelas they hear other birds varying their notes, Met. 13, 47. II. intrans. (l) to move, be pulled :-- Ne bregden nō dā stengas of dǣm hringum vectes a circuits numquam recedant, Past. 173, 10. (2) of lightning, to flash :-- Swilc leóht swilce þǣr līget brūde, Hml. S. 36, 226. (3) to play atrick, act with guile,