Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bréman
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bréman
- part, brémende; p. de; pp. ed; [bréme celebrated] To celebrate, solemnise, make famous, have in honour; celebrare, honorare :-- Ðæt hie ðæt hálige gerýne bréman mǽgen that they may celebrate the holy mystery [i. e. the sacrament], L. E. I. 4; Th. ii. 404, 27. Á brémende ever celebrating, Exon. 13 a; Th. 24, 20; Cri. 387. We ðec, hálig Drihten, gebédum brémaþ we celebrate thee, holy Lord, in our prayers, Cd. 192; Th. 241, 17; Dan. 406: Menol. Fox 186; Men. 94. Bodiaþ and brémaþ beorhtne geleáfan preach and make famous bright belief, Exon. 14 b; Th. 30, 21; Cri. 483. DER. ge-bréman. breman