
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - brengan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

ic brenge, ðú brengest, brengst, he brengeþ, brengþ, brencþ,

pl. brengaþ; p. ic, he brohte, ðú brohtest, pl. brohton; pp. broht; ferre, afferre, offerre, proferre :-- Ðæt geár mót brengan blósman the year may bring blossoms, Bt- 7, 3; Fox 20, if. He brengeþ æfter swegeltorht sunne he brings after him the heavenly-bright sun, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 46; Met. 29, 23. Eorþe sió cealde brengþ wæstma fela the cold earth bringeth many fruits, 20, 201; Met. 20, 101. Brencþ brings, 13, 120; Met. 13, 60. Wæter and eorþe wæstmas brengaþ water and earth produce fruits, 20, 150; Met. 20, 75. Nú scíneþ ðe leóht, ðæt ic from Gode brohte now the light shineth, which I brought from God, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 32; Gen. 615. Ðú brohtest thou broughtest, Exon. 121 a; Th. 463, 34; Hö. 80: 121 a; Th. 464, 12; Hö. 86. Gabriél brohte Gabriel brought, Exon. 12 b; Th. 21, 18; Cri. 336: Cd. 156; Th. 194, 12; Exod. 259. Áras brohton the messengers brought, Elen. Kmbl. 1989; El. 996. Ða he hæfde ǽr him to wífe broht whom he had formerly married [lit. he had formerly taken to himself for a wife], Bd. 3, 7; S. 529, 30. DER. æt-gebrengan: forþ-brengan, ge-, ofer-, onge-, ongeán-. brengan

Related words: a. To bring, adduce, lead, produce, bear, carry;
