
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bróþor-rǽden

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: I. fellowship :-- Sóþe lufe bróþerrǽdenne eów betwýnan lufiaþ caritatem fraternitatis diligite. Scint. 1, 7: 14, 3. Bróþorrǽdene, R. Ben. 132, 6. Wunige betwux eów lufu sóðre bróðerrǽdenne let brotherly love continue, Hml. Th. ii. 286, 10. Éstfulre bróðerrǽdene devotae germanitatis, Hpt. Gl. 403, 5. Bróð[er]rǽdene sodalitate (apum), An. Ox. 232. Lufige hé bróðorrǽdene betwux crístenum mannnm, Hml. Th. i. 142, 11. Wé magon cúðlíce tó him (Christ) clypian, swá swá tó úrum bréðer, gif wé ðá bróðerrǽdene swá healdað . . . þæt wé ne sceolon ná geþafian þæt deófol ús gewéme fram Crístes bróðorrǽdene, 260, 7-11. Ðurh uncer bróðorrǽdene (-nne, ) ic secge sóð per nostram fraternitatem, verum dico, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 227, 6. II. membership of a brotherhood :-- Þá canonicas innan Scs Petrus minstre habað underfangen þone geférscipe on bróðorrǽdenne mid óðrum gebróðrum, Cht. Th. 609, 4. Þe prior on Baþan and ealle þá gebróþran habbaþ heom geunnen þá bróþerrǽddene and þá bedrǽddene for lífe and for déþe, 436, 14. [v. N. E. D. brother-red.] broðor-ræden,broþor-ræden

Related words: l.
