Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - brúcan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
to brúcanne; ic brúce, ðú brúcest, brýcst, brícst, he brúceþ, brýcþ,
- pl. brúcaþ; p. ic, he breác, ðú bruce, pl. brucon; pp. brocen; uti, frui, possidere, habere, gaudere aliqua re, edere :-- Ðæt he beáh-hordes brúcan móste that he might have enjoyment of the ring-hoard, Beo. Th. 1793; B. 894. Ne benohton beornas to brúcanne needed not men to enjoy, Andr. Kmbl. 2321; An. 1162. Sáwla móton lífes brúcan souls may enjoy [have enjoyment of] life, Andr. Kmbl. 458; An. 229. Brúceþ fódres enjoys [has an enjoyment of] food, Runic pm. 28; Kmbl. 345, 5; Hick. Thes. i. 135. Brúc ðisses beáges make use of this collar, Beo. Th. 2436; B. 1216. He giefstólas breác he enjoyed gifts, Exon. 77 a; Th. 289, 7; Wand. 44. Ðe hyra lífes þurh lust brucon [MS. brucan] who have spent their life in pleasure, Exon. 38 b; Th. 127, 19; Gú. 388. Ne brícst usest not, Deut. 28, 30. Ðú brícst ðínes hláfes thou shalt eat of thy bread, Gen. 3, 19. Brúcaþ, Jn. Bos. 4, 9. [Piers P. brouke: Laym. bruken: Orm. brukenn: Plat. bruken: O. Sax. brúkan: Frs. bruke: O. Frs. bruka: Dut. ge-bruiken: Ger. brauchen: M. H. Ger. brúchen: O. H. Ger. brúchan: Goth. brukyan: Dan. bruge: Swed. Icel. brúka.] DER. þurh-brúcan: ge-brúcan. brucan