Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - brýce
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- brýce
- use. l. bryce, and add: I. use:-- Baða brice balnearum usus, R. Ben. 1. 68, 1. Hí heora hors tó bryce (tó brúcenne, ) onféngon, Gr. D. 16, 3. Sé ðe wíf hæfð for lícumlícre frófre, and ðeáh for ðǽm bryce (v. brúcan, I. (I c)) and for ðǽre lufe hine ne áwent from bettrum weorcum qui sic per uxorem carnali consolatione utitur, ut tamen numquam a melioris intentionis rectitudine ejus amore flectatur, Past. 395, 16. Ðǽm bisceope tó bryce ad usum episcopi, C. D. iii. 159, 39. Hé forgeaf him ðá twéntig penega tó his ágenum bricum, Hml. Th. ii. 178, 10. Hafa þé ꝥ seolfor tó þínes sylfes bricum argentum tuum sit, Hml. A. 96, 159. II. profit, advantage:-- Bryce commodum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 24, 64. Of bryc(e) compendio, lucro, Hpt. Gl. 484, 76. Hé forgeaf fæla ǽhta þám Crístenum him tó gemǽnan brice, Hml. S. 2, 283. II a. usufruct :-- Habban hí þone bryce (ðæs landes) healfne, and healfne þá munecas, Cht. Th. 547, 18 : 545, 17. III. enjoyment:-- Seó sáwul is on sibbe wunigende on hire dæge, þonne heó on gewítendlicere tíde blissað, and on hwílwendlicum bricum bið ungefóh, Hml. Th. i. 408, 15. v. níd-bryce. bryce