
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - búende

According to the Old English Dictionary:

part. búend, es; m. Inhabiting or dwelling; inhabitans:-- Búendra leás void of those inhabiting [Cd. 5; Th. 6, 16; Gen. 89] or inhabitants, thus used as a noun, though sometimes in composition declined as a m. noun, búend, es; m : it is often declined as a m. part. that is an adj. ending in e. It would then be declined nom. s. -búende; gen. -búendes; d. -búendum; acc. -þuendne; but most frequently as an adj. pl; nom. acc. -búende; gen. -búendra [as a noun, búenda]; d. -búendum:-- Mid búendum cum habitantibus, Ps. Lamb. 82, 8. DER. ánbúende, ceaster-búend, ég-, eorþ-, feor-, fold-, grúnd-, hér-, íg-, land-, neáh-, sund-, þeód-, woruld-. buende