
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - burg-geat

According to the Old English Dictionary:


Add: I. the gate of a burg (II. a town-gate (v. burg, II) :-- Hé férde on ðá burg Ambinensus ... þá sæt þǽr sum þearfa æt ðǽm burggeate, Bl. H. 213, 33. burg-geat

Related words: burg, Ia) :-- Ðus feor sceal beón þæs cinges grið fram his burhgeate þǽr hé is sittende, Ll. Th. i. 224, 7. þá heortan æt þínum burhgeatum behele, Lch. i. 328, 24. [He wende to þan burhȝate þer þe king on bure lai, Laym. 17670.]
