
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - campian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Ic campude certaui, An. Ox. 1349. Campa dimica, Germ. 393, 175. Oumpadi (alt. from compadi) decertarent, Jn. L. 18, 36. Winnan and campian militare, R. Ben. 96, 23. Hé wǽpn gegráp mid tó campienne, Bl. H. 167, 1. Campiende agonizans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 2, 51. (1) to fight for, (a) with dat. :-- Þá þe campiað cynincge eorðlícum qui militant regi terreno, Scint. 61, 1, 2: Hex. 34, 15, 17. Oð þis ic campode þé, geþafa nú ꝥ ic Gode campige, S. 31, 103. Gif ðú wylle campian on Godes campdóme, ne campa ð ǽnigum búton Gode ánum, Hex. 34, 12. Nǽnig compigende Gode nemo militans Deo, Rtl. 60, 11. (b) with for :-- Wé willað campian for ðínre hǽlo, Ap. Th. 9, 20. Tó campienne for Crístes geleáfan, Hml. S. 5, 151. (2) to fight with, serve with :-- Him ne ðuhte fremfullic ꝥ hé fénge tó þǽre gife, and syððan ne campode mid þám cásere, Hml. S. 31, 102. (3) to fight with, against (wiþ, ongeán), (a) with dat. :-- Hé wið þám gástum campode, Guth. 24, 12. In him wunnon and campedon (certabant) þá yfel his líchaman wið þám weorce his ælmesdǽda, Gr. D. 320, 18. Campian ongeán ðám deófle mid geleáfan, Hml. Th. ii. 402, 15. (b) with acc. :-- Se eorðlica kempa kampað mid his wǽpnum ongeán gesewenlice feónd, and ðú scealt campian wið ðá ungesewenlican fýnd, Hex. 34, 24. Mid gástlican wǽpnan campian wið deófol, Ll. Th. ii. 388, 5: Hml. S. 17, 162. Campian wið leahtras, Hml. Th. i. 360, 17. Tó campigenne ongeán þone feónd, Hml. S. 5, 242.

Related words: ge-campian. campian
