Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ceaster
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- ceaster
- Dele passage from Chron. under I. and add: I. used as a general term, or applied to foreign towns. [For the use of Jerusalem">burh, ceaster respectively cf. the translation of Orosius, in which Jerusalem">burh is always used in speaking of Jerusalem, Sodom, Gomorrah and Babylon (and of other towns), with the passages from the poetry in which ceaster is used of the same.] :-- Cester arx, civitas, Hpt. Gl. 530, 2. Hierusalem ys mǽres cyninges ceaster (cester, cæstra, R., burug, L. civitas), Mt. 5, 35. Hierusalem, ðú wǽre swá swá cýmlic ceaster (cester, Ps. Srt.) getimbred, Ps. Th. 121, 3. Sió ceaster (Mermedonia), An. 207. Ceastre weardas, El. 384. Hé ceastre weall, Babilone Jerusalem">burh, geseah, Dan. 600. Cempan in ceastre (Jerusalem), 707. Hwǽr cýpst þú fixas þíne? On ceastre (civilate), Coll. M. 23, 23. In Antiochia þǽre ceastre (Antiochia ceastre, v. l.), Chr. 35; P. 6, 16. Of Caldéa ceastre, Gen. 2200. In þǽre ceastre Commedia, Jul. 21. Hé getimbrode ceastre (civitatem), Gen. 4, 17. Ic wát heáhburg, lytle ceastre, Gen. 2518. Sodoma ceastre (cf. Sodoman burg, 2402), 2425. Wæs hé tó þǽre mǽran byrig cumen in þá ceastre, An. 41. Hæleð tó Hierusalem cwómon in þá ceastre, El. 274. Nineuen ceastre, Sal. 188. On ceastre weallum beworhte in civitatem munitam, Ps. Th. 59, 8. Ðá fæstan ceastre munitum castrum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 38. Ceaster timbran, Gen. 1057. Ceastra beóð feorran gesýne, orþanc enta geweorc, Gn. C. 1. Cýmast ceastra, Ps. Th. 86, 2. On ceastrum (Sodom and Gomorrah), Gen. 2507: 2546. Of ceastrum and cynestólum and of burgsalum, Pa. 49. ¶ with weak inflection :-- Ceastran civitatis, An. Ox. 818, I a. used of heaven :-- Þú, Dryhten God, wunast on þǽre upplican ceastre, Hy. 8, 19. Cestre, Sat. 258: 657. Godes ealdorburg gesécan, rodera ceastre, Rä. 60, 16. Wunian cestre and cynestól, Sat. 298. I b. of hell :-- Hé byrnwígend tó þám burggeatum lǽdan ne wolde; ac þá locu feollon, clústor of þám ceastrum (at the harrowing of hell), Hö. 40. II. used of places in England [in place-names gen. -ceastres and -ceastre occur, and the acc. -ceaster seems more frequent than -ceastre] :-- Aldwulf, Hrófescæstre (Rófeceastre, v. l.) biscop, Chr. 731; Th. i. 77, 5. On ánre wéstre ceastre, seó is Legaceaster geháten, 894; P. 88, 6. On ðǽre ealdan byrig, Acemannes ceastre, 973; P. 118, 7. Hié ábrǽcon Wintanceastre, 894; P. 68, 3. Oþ ceaster (-ceastre, v. l.), 877; P. 74, 18: 876; P. 74, 11. Hié ymbsǽton Andredescester, 491; P. 14, 15. Justo hé sealde Hrófesceaster, seó is .xxiiii. míla from Dorwitceastre, 604; P. 23, 3. Hié genámon .iii. ceastra, Gleáwanceaster and Cirenceaster and Baþanceaster, 577; P. 18, 32 v. neáh-ceaster. ceaster