Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ceaster-wara
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- ceaster-wara
- m. A citizen :-- Se cyning wæs ceasterwara (cester-, ) gefremed þæs écan ríces, Bd. 3, 22; Sch. 293, 2. Þá earman ceasterwaran miseri ciues, 1, 12; Sch. 35, 12. Þá eádigan ceasterwaran (þǽre eádigan ceastre weras, v. l.), Wlfst. 265, 11. Hé cwaeð tó ðám ceasterwarum: 'Gé Tharsysce ceasterwaran,' Ap. Th. 9, 23: 12, 19. v. efen-, ge-ceaster-wara; ceaster-gewara. ceaster-wara