Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cempa
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- cempa
- Add :-- Cempa agonista, An. Ox. 4, 4: tyro, Wrt. Voc. i. 289, 14. Heánra cempa miles ordinarius, ii. 59, 14. Kempa miles, Coll. M. 31, 37. Sé wæs cáseres cæmpa under Paulino on Rauenna, Shrn. 76, 2. Cempan agonitheta, An. Ox. 1334. Caempan, cempan gladiatores, Txts. 66, 481. Cempan manipulares, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 38: 56, 76: tirones, 88, 63. Wǽpenboran, cempan pugiles .i. gladiatores, An. Ox. 751. Cemp[ena] luctatorum, 4735 (cf., 11, 188). Cempena anthletarum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 62. Cempum tirunculis, An. Ox. 719. Bebeád sum hǽþen ealdormon his cæmpum (cf. hét his þegnas jussit milites, Bd. Sch. 20, 19) ... Albanus eóde ongeán þǽm cæmpan, Shrn. 93, 29-32. Ne forseah Críst his geongan cempan (the Innocents), Hml. Th. i. 82, 33. Seleucus hæfde ealle þá æðelestan men Alexandres heres ..., and Cassander þá cempan mid Chaldéum summa castrorum Seleuco cessit; stipatoribus regis satellitibusque Cassander praeficitur, Ors. 3, 11; S. 144, 2. [N. E. D. kemp. O. Frs. campa, cempa: O. L. Ger. kempio: O. H. Ger. chemph(i)o: Icel. kappi.] v. andlang-, efen-, in-, rǽde-, weorold-cempa. cempa