
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cenning

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Cynnincg nativitas, Hpt. Gl. 442, 57. Cennung concretio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 25. Mid wæstembǽre cynnincge fetosa concretione ... cennunge concretione, creatione, Hpt. Gl. 411, 56, 60. Cynninge (cennincge, An. Ox. 1764) matrice, 448, 4. Bið ðæt sǽd unnyt ágoten, næs tó nánre kenninge ðæs cynrenes, ac tó unclǽnnesse non ad usum generis, sed ad immunditiam semen effundit, Past. 97, 10. Seó gelaðung on gástlicere cenninge ácenð bearnteám, Hml. A. 30, 160. Mǽden heó wæs beforan ðǽre cenninge, and mǽden on ðǽre cenninge, and mǽden æfter ðǽre cenninge. Ne bið nán mægðhád forloren on cenninge, ac bið forloren on hǽmede, Hml. Th. ii. 10, 2-5: i. 194, 10. Ðurh þíne clǽnan cenninge, 546, 12. cenning