
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cild

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Dele in bracket all foreign forms but the Gothic, and add: gen. pl. cilda, cildra; dat. pl. cildum, cildrum. I. a child:--Eahtawintre cild . . . ðrywintre cild, Hml. Th. ii. 134, 3, 7. Féng his bearn tó cyneríce, cild unweaxen, Chr. 975; P. 120, 7. Be fundenes cildes fóstre, Ll. Th. i. 118, 17. In cildes híw, Cri. 725. Heó wearð mid cilde, Hml. Th. i. 24, 26. Þá cild on Bethlem ofslægene wǽrun, Chr. 2; P. 2, 29. Ðá cild rídaþ on heora stafum and manigfealdne plegan plegiaþ, Bt. 36, 5; F. 180, 9. Gé sint giet cilderu, Past. 459, 17. Cildra pueri, R. Ben. I. 60, 16. Iung cildra lactantes, i. infantes, An. Ox. 2591. Cildas (cild, R.) parvoli, Mt. L. 19, 13. Ofer hiora dei, wífes and cilda, C. D. i. 316, 16. Of cilda (cildra, R., infantium) múeð, Mt. 21, 16: Bl. H. 71, 17. Hé ealra ðǽra cildra plegan gestilde, Hml. Th. ii. 134, 17. Ic Eádwine munek, cildre meistre, Cht. Th. 321, 26. Hé unborenum cildum líf sylð, Hml. S. 23, 429. Gesceád wexð on cildrum, 1, 110. Cild parvulos, Ps. Srt. 114, 6. Cild (cildo, L., cild. R.) infantes, Lk. 18, 15. II. as a title of dignity:--Eádríc cild, Chr. 1067; P. 200, 35 (see note, vol. ii. p. 259). Fór Eádgar cild (Edgar Atheling) út . . . and se cyng Melcolm genam þes cildes swuster tó wífe, P. 201, 1-3. Ælfsige cild, C. D. iand two following words. cild

Related words: 10, 29. Brihtríc forwrégde Wulfnóð cild þone Suðseaxscian, Chr. 1009; P. 138, 17. v. cniht-, cradol-, fóster-, leornung-, munuc-, wǽpned-, wíf-cild,
