
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - clipigendlíc

According to the Old English Dictionary:

adj. I. calling, vocative; vocativus :-- Vocativus is clipigendlíc oððe gecígendlíc: mid ðam casu we clipiaþ to ælcum þinge, Eálá ðú man cum hider O! homo veni huc: Eálá ðú man sprec to me O! homo loquere ad me: Eálá ðú láreów tǽce me sum þing O! magister doce me aliquid: vocative is calling or invoking: with this case we address everything, as -- O! thou man come nither: 0! thou man speak to me: O! thou master teach me something, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 24-27. II. making a vocal sound; vocalis.

Related words: clypiendlíc, clypigendlíc. clipigendlic
