Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - clipung
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- clipung
- f. Take here clypung, cleopung in Dict., and add: I. crying, clamour:--Gehýrde hé mycelne heáf and wóp, and manige cleopodan mid mycelre stefne. Þá áhsode hé hwæt seó cleopung wǽre, Bl. H. 219, 10. Manegum stefnum and cleopungum (hreámum, ) vocibus clamoribusque, Gr. D. 74, 4. II. a cry, call, words of address, appeal, &c.:--Cóm clypung of ðám Hálgan Gáste, þus cweðende, Hml. Th. i. 388, 12. Se sunderhálga cwæð: 'God! ic ðancige ðé þæt ic ne eom ná swilce óðre menn': ealles tó micel clypung þæt hé nǽre óðrum mannum gelíc . . . Mid ánre clypunge wearð þes synfulla geriht-wísod, ii. 428, 19-34. Hé clypode tó Gode: 'Þú ælmihtiga God . . .' Æfter ðisre clypunge, Hml. S. 18, 132. Cleopodon þá gástas midmycelre cleopunge and þus cwǽdon, Guth. 38, 16. III. an appellation, name:--Gecíednysse, clipunge vocabulo, i. nomine, An. Ox. 1503. Clypunge, naman vocabulo, 4847: 4737. Clypunga vocabulorum, i. nominum, 878. IV. articulation:--Þás syndon healfclypiende gecígede, for ðan ðe hí nabbað fulle clypunge, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 6, 3. Hí ne synd ná mid ealle dumbe, ac hí habbað lytle clypunge, 8. V. form of address (of pronouns). v. stefn, II:--Se ðridda hád (the (pronoun of the) third person) hæfð syx clypunga, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 93, 7. clipung