
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - clipur

According to the Old English Dictionary:


m. A CLAPPER of a bell; tintinnabuli vel campanæ malleus :-- Se bend ðe se clipur ys mid gewriðen, ys swylce hyt sý sum gemetegung ðæt ðære tungan clipur mǽge styrian, and ða lippan æt-hwega beátan. Sóþlíce mid ðæs rápes æt-hríne se bend styraþ ðone [MS. ðæne] clipur the band with which the clapper is tied, is as it were a method for moving the clapper of the tongue, and beating more or less the lips. So with the touch of the rope the band moves the clapper, Wanl. Catal. 109, col. 2, 16-20. [Dut. klepel, f: M. H. Ger. klepfel, m. tubillus; klepfer, m. clapper.] clipur