
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cnódan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

cneódan; ic cnóde, ðú cnódest, he cnódeþ, cneódeþ,

pl. cnódaþ; p. cneád, pl. cnudon; pp. cnoden, gecnoden To give, assign, call, carry out, exalt; tribuĕre, attribuĕre, efferre :-- Gyt mon his naman cneódeþ yet man calls by his name, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 24. Gif hwæt welgedónes biþ, ðonne cnódaþ him ealle mid hérenesse if anything be well done, then all exalt him with praise; si qua bene gesta sunt, omnes laudibus efferunt, Past. 17, 3; Hat. MS. 22b, 3. cnodan,cneodan