
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cum-líþness

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: I. hospitality:--Ꝥ hé lufige cumlíðnysse, and nánum cuman ne forbeóde ꝥ hé ne móte on his húse gerestan, for ðan ðe manega Gode gelícodon þurh ꝥ ꝥ hí cuman onféngon, Hml. A. 147, 83: Ll. Th. ii. 422, 13. II. a living as a guest, sojourn:--Mon meahte his líf tócnáwan on þan fyrste þe hé on cuman híwe on mynstre wunade. Gif hine mon leahtorfulne ongit on þone tíman his cumlíðnesse tempore hospitalitatis potuit ejus vita dignosci. Si vitiosus inventus fuerit tempore hospitalitatis, R. Ben. 109, 17. On þǽre cumlíðnesse, 21. cum-liþness