Cwealm-bǽre (cwelm-)

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cwealm-bǽre (cwelm-)

According to the Old English Dictionary:

cwealm-bǽre (cwelm-)
Add: (1) of persons:--Dioclitianus wæs tó cásere gecoren þeáh ðe hé cwealmbǽre wǽre, Hml. S. 19, 2. Hé ne mihte wiðcweðan þám cwealmbǽrum folce, 7, 217. Cómon cwelmbǽre deóflu, Hml. Th. ii. 326, 12. Judas cóm mid þám cwealmbǽrum . . . and belǽwde þone Hǽlend þám árleásum cwellerum, Hml. A. 74, 43. (2) of things:--Seó cwealmbǽre éhtnyss, Hml. S. 19, 16. Ácwellan mid cwealmbǽrum swurde, 7, 244. Mid cwealmbérum (-bǽrum) drence, 14, 73. Lǽdan tó leóhtleásum cwearterne . . . tó þám cwealmbǽrum húse, 29, 258. Cwealmbǽrne (cwelm-, An. Ox. 4882) wom letiferam (mortiferum) luem, Hpt. Gl. 518, 38. Cwelmbǽre pestiferum (virus), An. Ox. 11, 83. Cwylmbǽre perniciosa, i. mortifera (fruteta), 920. Hine forhabban fram cwylmbǽrum mettum, Hml. Th. i. 360, 23. cwealm-bære cwelm-