Cwedol, cwidol

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cwedol, cwidol

According to the Old English Dictionary:

cwedol, cwidol
adj. Ready of speech, talkative, eloquent:--Dicax, i. facundus, qui verbis jocatur in quamlibet rem, vel cwedel, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 11. Quedol dicam (-x?), quedole, dicas, 106, 48, 49. Ne sý nán tó þæs cwidol wíf ne tó þæs cræftig man þæt áwendan ne mæge word þus gecwedene, Lch. i. 402, 13.

Related words: hearm-, wearg-cwedol (-cwidol). cwidol,cwedol
