Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cwelan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- cwelan
- Add:--Hí libbað óðrum monnum and cwelað him selfum vivunt aliis et sibi moriuntur, Past. 449, 19. Þú scealt ǽrest óðerne geseón drincan and ðǽrrihte cwelan, Hml. Th. i. 72, 15. Ꝥ spere him eóde þurh út, and hé feóll cwelende, Hml. S. 12, 55. Lífes lǽcedómes forwirnan ðǽm cwelendum monnum, Past. 377, 6. [N. E. D. quele.] v. be-cwelan. cwelan