
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cwic

According to the Old English Dictionary:

cwyc, cwuc, cuc;

def. se cwica, seó, ðæt cwice; adj. Alive, QUICK; vivus, vivax :-- Enoch cwic gewát mid cyning engla Enoch departed alive with the king of angels, Cd. 60; Th. 73, 25; Gen. 1210: Exon. 16b; Th. 37, 8; Cri. 590: Ps. Th. 118, 57. Cwyc alive, 104, 8. Ne biþ se cwuca nyttra ðe se deáda, gif him his yfel ne hreówþ the quick [living] is not better than the dead, if he repent not of his evil, Bt. 36, 6; Fox 182, 20. Se iunga wæs cwices módes the youth was of a quick mind; erat adolescens animi vivacis, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 37. He nó ðǽr áht cwices lǽfan wolde he would leave naught alive there, Beo. Th. 4618; B. 2314. Ǽlc wuht cwices [cwuces Cot.] biþ innanweard hnescost everything alive is inwardly softest, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 150, 5. Ne ofsleá ic ǽlc þing cuces non percutiam omnem animam viventem, Gen. 8, 21: Wrt. Voc. 85, 51. On cwicum ceápe in live stock, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 194, 6: Homl. Blick. 39, 18. Æt cwicum [cwicon MS.] menn for a living man, L. Eth. iii. 1, 2; Th. i. 292, 10, 13. Be cwicum ceorle the husband being alive, L. Ethb. 85; Th. i. 24, 9. On cucum [MS. cucan] ceápe in live stock, Cod. Dipl. 1201; A. D. 956; Kmbl. the salve will make the worm therein dead, or drive it away alive, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 26. Hie ǽnigne cwicne ne métton they found not any alive, Andr. Kmbl. 2166; An. 1084: Elen. Kmbl. 1378; El. 691. Abraham leófa, ne sleah ðín ágen bearn, ac ðú cwicne abregd cniht of áde, eaforan ðínne beloved Abraham, slay not thine own child, but take thou the boy, thy son, alive from the pile, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 19; Gen. 2914: Beo. Th. 1589; B. 792: Exon. 90b; Th. 340, 21; Gn. Ex. 114: Ps. Th. 118, 154. Ic hyne eft cwycne ageaf I gave him back again alive, Nicod. 26; Thw. 14, 28, 38. Tiberius forneáh nǽnne ðæra senátussa ne lét cucne Tiberius left hardly any of the senators alive, Ors. 6, 2; Bos. 116, 41: L. C. S. 25; Th. i. 390, 21. Cwice, acc. f. alive, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 148, 51. Gif hió cwic bearn gebyreþ if she bare a live child, L. Ethb. 78; Th. i. 22, 4. Sníþ ðæt cwice líc cut the body alive, L. M. 1, 35; Lchdm. ii. 84, 29. Cwicre stæfne with the living voice; viva voce, Bd. 4, 18; S. 586, 39. Cwice quick, alive, pl. nom. m. Ps. Th. 105, 5: Andr. Kmbl. 258; An. 129. Híg in to helle cuce síðodon descenderunt vivi in infernum, Num. 16, 33: Chr. 794; Erl. 59, 23. Ðe ealle cwice wihta bílibbaþ by which all creatures alive are supported, Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 38, 8. Se Ælmihtiga líf gesceóp cynna gehwylcum ðara ðe cwice hwyrfaþ the Almighty created life for each of the kinds that go to and fro alive, Beo. Th. 197; B. 98. Cwyce secgeaþ his wundorweorc his wondrous works alive shall speak, Ps. Th. 104, 1. Ða cwican nó genihtsumedon ðæt hí ða deádan bebyrigdan those alive were not enough to bury the dead, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 31. Cwicera manna of men alive, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 41; Jud. 235: Runic pm. 6; Kmbl. 340, 17; Hick. Thes. i. 135. Ðǽr biþ cwicra gewin there shall be strife of the quick, Exon. 22b; Th. 62, 8; Cri. 998: 51a; Th. 177, 7; Gú 1223: Salm. Kmbl. 792; Sal. 395. Ðú bist déma cwucra ge deádra thow art the judge of quick and dead, Hy. 8, 39; Hy. Grn. ii. 291, 39. He is God cwucera gehwelces he is the God of each of those alive, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 160; Met. 29, 80. Blis astíhþ cwicera cynna cyninge the joy of quick kinds ascends to the king, Menol. Fox 183; Men. 93: Andr. Kmbl 1823; An. 914: Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 12; Jud. 324. Cwicra wihta of beings alive, Exon. 107b; Th. 411, 5; Rä. 29, 8. His is mycel sǽ, ðǽr is unrim cwycra his is the great sea, where is a countless number of things alive, Ps. Th. 103, 24. Ic wille mid flóde acwellan cynna gehwilc cucra wuhta with a flood I will destroy every kind of creatures alive, Cd. 65; Th. 78, 23; Gen. 1297. Be cwicum mannum the men being alive, L. Eth. ix. 4; Th. i. 340, 18: L. C. E. 3; Th. i. 360, 9. Cwycum and deádum to quick and dead, Hy. 7, 117; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 117. Wylle on glédum cwicum boil on live coals, L. M. 2, 28; Lchdm. ii. 224, 20. On cwicum wǽdum in living garments, Salm. Kmbl. 280; Sal. 139. To démenne ǽgðer ge ðám cucum ge ðám deádum to judge both the quick and the dead, Homl. Th. ii. 596, 20: 598, 6: Num. 16, 48. Seó wiht bindeþ cwice the creature will bind the quick, Exon. 109b; Th. 420, 8; Rä. 39, 7. Ðe ðǽr cwice méteþ fýr who shall find there fires alive, 22a; Th. 59, 27; Cri. 959. Déman ða cucan and deádan judicare vivos et mortuos, Ps. Lamb. fol. 199a. 25: 202a, 27. [Wyc. quyk: Piers P. R. Brun. quik: Chauc. quik, quick: R. Glouc. quyc: Laym. cwic, cwik, quic, quike: Orm. cwicc, cwike: Plat. quik, qwikk: O. Sax. quik, quic: Frs. quick: O. Frs. quik: Dut. kwik: Kil. quick: Ger. keck gay, brisk; quecksilber mercury: M. H. Ger. quëc, këc: O. H. Ger. quek, quik, chuech: Goth. qius, gen. qiwis vivus: Dan. quik: Swed. kwick: Icel. kwikr, kykr: Lat. vivus alive; victum, supine of vivere to live: Grk. βίος life: Sansk. jiva vivus.] DER. healf-cwic, sám-. cwic

Related words: 378, 20. Seó sealf ðone wyrm ðǽron deádne gedéþ, oððe cwicne ofdrífþ
