Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cynd
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- cynd
- Substitute: cynd, e; f.: es; n. I. nature:--Nis nán gesceaft ðe hé tiohhige ꝥ hió scyle winnan wiþ hire Scippendes willan, gif hió hire cynd (gecynd ) healdan wile nihil est quod naturam servans Deo contraire conetur, Bt. 35, 4; F. 160, 23. Cniht weóx and þág, swá him cynde wǽron æðele from yldrum (he inherited noble natural qualities from his parents), Gen. 2771. v. módor-cynd. II. a kind; genus:--Sægdon ús þá bígengean þæt wé ús warnigan scoldon wið þá missen[l]ice cynd nǽdrena and hrifra wildeóra praedixerant nobis incolae ne serpentes et rapida ferarum genera incideremus, Angl. iv. 144, 113. v. ge-cynd. cynd