Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - cýs-lyb
According to the Old English Dictionary:
-lybb, es;
- cýs-lyb
- pl. nom. acc. -lybbu; n. [cýse cheese, lyb, lib a drug] Cheese-drug, rennet or runnet; casei coagulum :-- Haran cýslybb syle drincan ðam wífe give the woman a hare's runnet to drink, Med. ex Quadr. 4, 14; Lchdm. i. 346, 4. Ða meolc geren mid cýslybbe turn the milk with rennet, Lchdm. iii. 18, 11. Cýslybbu coagula, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 141, 25. cys-lyb