
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - feoh

According to the Old English Dictionary:


Add: I. cattle, tame beasts as opposed to wild:--Fugel oððe fisc on sǽ, oððe on eorðan neát, feldgangende feoh bútan snyttro, oððe wildra deóra þæt grimmeste, Seel. 81. Inc is hálig feoh and wilde deór on geweald geseald, Gen. 201: 1517. Feoh and fuglas, 1299. Feld mid þý feó oferbrǽded, Bl. H. 199, 3. II. property, wealth, money. (1) in a general sense:--Is betere þæt feoh þætte nǽfre losian ne mæg, þonne ꝥ þe mæg and sceal, Bt. 11, 2; F. 34, 18: 13; F. 38, 18, 20. Hweþer micel feoh oððe weorþscipe oððe eall þes andwearda wela mæge ǽnigne mon dón swá gesǽline, 26, 1; F. 90, 12: Wand. 108. Ne sceal hé beón tó georn deádra manna feós, Bl. H. 43, 13: Ors. 1, 1; S. 20, 27-21, 4. For feós lufon, Bl. H. 63, 7, 8. Godes feós ðeófð sacrilegium, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 31. Sel mé dǽl fǽes (feás, R.) and dǽlde ðǽm ꝥ feh da mihi portionem substantiae et diuisit substantiam, Lk. L. 15, 12, 13. Gif ðú þisses mannes feá (cf. góde, 3, and: Hé his hrægle onféng, 280, 21) ne onfénge, Bd. 3, 19; Sch. 281, 8. Gif hié feoh (fioh, ) habbað and his him oftióð si quas haberent pecunias absconderent, Past. 377, 2. For ðý hí wilniaþ anwealdes þe hié woldon ormǽte feoh gegaderian potentiam pecuniae causa petunt, Bt. 24, 2; F. 82, 17. Heó forsalde all feh (substantiam) hire, Lk. R. L. 8, 43. (1 a) of an article of property:--Gif hé (the slain slave) ánne dæg lyfað ofer þæt, hé (the owner) bið unscildig, for þám hit ys his feoh (pecunia), Ex. 21, 21: Ll. Th. i. 48, 15. Ǽlcere synne ǽrre ys gýtsung and lufu feóna (pecuniarum) Scint. 112, 2. (1 b) of valuable property, riches, treasure, an article or material of value:--Wela, hord, feoh gazofilacium (cf. in Temples feh in corbanan, Mt. R. 27, 6), Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 24. Ꝥ is ꝥ eallra deórweorþeste feoh pretiosissimum divitiarum genus est, Bt. 20; F. 72, 26. Mið golde and mið gimmum ǽc mið suulfre ofergylded, fáconleás feh, Jn. p. 188, 5. Deórwyrþe feoh opes, Bt. 20; F. 72, 23. Gehlódon him tó húðe hordwearda gestreón, feá and freós, Dan. 66. ¶ licgende feoh gold and silver, treasure, money:--Þæt hié bewisten eal þæt licgende feoh under ánum hrófe þæt hié begeáton oþþe on gafole oþþe on hergiunga, Ors. 2, 4; S. 72, 4. Þǽr hé geáscade þæt Geoweorþan goldhord wæs, and þá burgleóde him ágeáfon eall ꝥ licgende feoh ꝥ þær binnan wæs, 5, 7; S. 230, 6. Hié sealdon Demostanase licgende feoh Demosthenes auro corruptus, 3, 9; S. 124, 1. (2) property dealt with in business transactions:--Gehýred feoh locatio, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 60. Behýred feoh, ii. 54, 3: conductio, 135, 70. Geléned feoh vel on borh geseald res credita, i. 20, 70. Álǽned feoh pignus, gylden wed vel feoh arra, forweddad feoh fiducia, 21, 5-8. (3) price paid. v. sellan; IV:--Feh blódes hit is praetium sanguinis est, Mt. L. 27, 6. Mid hú micelan feó woldest þú þá habban geboht ꝥ . . ., Bt. 20; F. 72, 19, 21. Sume hí gebycgaþ hlísan mid heora ágnum deáþe, for þǽm hí wénaþ ꝥ hí næbben nán óþer fioh ðæs hlísan wyrþe búton hiora ágnum fiore nonnulli venerandum nomen gloriosae pretio mortis emerunt, 39, 11; F. 228, 29. (4) property given as wages, bribe (v. feoh-fang) or gift:--Ðý lǽs hié for ðǽm gedále ðæs feós wilnigen ðisses lǽnan lífes ne ex impenso munere transitoriam laudem quaerant, Past. 323, 12. Se yfela déma onféhð medmycclum feó and onwendeþ þone rihtan dóm for þæs feós lufon, Bl. H. 61, 31: 43, 10. Hié feoh sealdon þǽm weardum they bribed the keepers, 177, 28. Ꝥ feoh þe mon ðám ferdmonnum sellan sceolde, Bt. 27, 4; F. 100, 14. (5) (coined) metal, coin. v. sleán; II a:--Feoh pecunia vel nummus, Wrt. Voc. i. 83, 11. Fífténe scillingas clǽnes feós, Cht. Th. 168, 16. Mid uncre claene feó, ðæt wæs mid clǽne golde, Txts. 175, 5. Hwanon þú þus eald feoh geméttest, and þus ealde penegas hider bróhtest, Hml. S. 23, 587. Swíðe eald feoh þe man on fyrndagum slóh, 614. Hwæt begytst þú of þínum cræfte? Scrúd and feoh (pecuniam), Coll. M. 23, 5. Feóna sestertiorum, Germ. 395, 76. v. ælmes-, fæderen-, forfang-, lǽce-, land-, meld-, Róm-, scrúd-, þífe-, wudu-feoh. feoh

Related words: l.
