Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - frættewian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
frætwian, fretwian, frætwan;
- frættewian
- p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To adorn, deck, embroider, trim; ornāre :-- Ða burh timbrum and gyfum eác frættewodon and weorþodon urbem ædifĭciis ac donāriis adornārunt, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 24. Ðe ðone sele frætweþ who adorns the hallExon. 117 a; Th. 450, 24; Dóm. 92. Ic wylle frætwian mec I will prepare myself, Exon. 119 a; Th. 456, 23; Hy. 4, 71. Hí oððe hi sylfe frætwiaþ aut seipsas adornent, Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 17. Sáwle frætwaþ hálgum gehygdum they adorn their souls with holy meditations, Exon. 44 b; Th. 150, 14; Gú. 778. Ða ðe geolo godwebb geatwum frætwaþ those who embroider the yellow godly garment with ornaments, Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 26; Rä. 36, 10. Ðe mec frætwede who adorned me, 124 b; Th. 479, 15; Rä. 62, 8. Folcstede frætwan to deck a dwelling-place, Beo. Th. 152, note; B. 76. Brídels frætwan to deck the bridle, Elen. Kmbl. 2396; El. 1199. Hyrstum frætwed adorned with ornaments, Exon. 104 a; Th. 395, 22; Rä. 15, 11: 107 b; Th. 411, 1; Rä. 29, 6: 108 b; Th. 414, 15; Rä. 32, 20. [Chauc. fret wrought: O. Sax. fratahón to adorn, ornament, decorate: Goth. us-fratwyan to make ready, to outfit.] DER. ge-frætewian, -frætwian, ymb-. frættewian