
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - fricca

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Sé ðe ðone sácerdhád onféhð, hé onféhð friccan (fryccean, praeconis officium suscipit quisquis ad sacerdotium accedit . . . sacerdos si praedicationis est nescius, quam clamoris vocem daturas est praeco mutus ?, Past. 91, 20-26. fricca

Related words: l.) scíre and foreryneles ðá hér iernað beforan kyningum and bodigeaí hira færelt . . . Gif se sácerd bið ungerád ðæs láreówdómes . . . hwæt mæg hé bodigean má ðonne se dumba fryccea
