
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - fyrþran

According to the Old English Dictionary:


p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od [furðor further] To further, support, advance, promote; provehere, promŏvēre :-- Ðæt ic eáðe mæg ánra gehwylcne fremman and fyrþran freónda mína that I may easily advance and further every one of my friends, Andr. Kmbl. 1867; An. 936. Ðæt hí mágen hénan ða yflan, and fyrþrian ða gódan that they may humiliate the evil, and further the good, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 22. Friðaþ and fyrþraþ protects and supports, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 29. Ealle Godes gerihto fyrþrie man georne let every one zealously further all God's dues, L. E. G. 5; Th. i. 168, 25, note 28, MS. B. DER. gefyrþran. fyrþran