
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ge-sceádwísness

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: Discretio, i. divisio gesceádwísnes. Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 16. I. discretion, prudence :-- Be þæs mæssepreóstes gesceádwísnysse de presbyteri prudentia, Ll. Th. ii. 128, 10. Hé munuclíce leofode betwux ðám lǽwedum folce mid mycelre gesceádwísnysse, Hml. S. 26, 82. II. discrimination :-- On eallum mannum behofað gesceádwýsnysse, þeáh ðe hí gelíce fyrene fremmen erga omnes homines discrimine opus est, etsi similia crimina committant, Ll. Th. ii. 132, 29. III. a reckoning :-- Hér æfter synt ámearkode þá feówer gesceádwýsnyssa ymbe þæne forman mónoð, and ymbe þæne termen, and ymbe þæne Eásterdæg and þæs dæges mónan, Angl. viii. 324, 28. IV. reason, the reasoning faculty :-- Ús segð ǽlc gesceádwísnes ꝥ God sié ꝥ héhste gód bonum esse Deum ratio demonstrat, Bt. 34, 2; F. 136, 4. Ðá men habbaþ eall ꝥ wé ǽr ymbe sprǽcon, and eác tó eácon ðǽm micle gife gesceádwísnesse, 41, 5 ; F. 252, 29: 18, 4 ; F. 66, 24. Sé þe gesceádwísnesse hæfð, sé mæg déman and tósceádan hwæt hé wilnian sceal and hwæt hé onscunian sceal quod ratione uti naturaliter potest, id habet judicium, quo quodque discernat; per se igitur fugienda optandave dignoscit, 40, 7; F. 242, 17: 13; F. 40, 7. Ðú ús sealdest gesceádwísnesse þæt wé magon tósceádan good and yfel, Solil. H. 7, 13. ¶ as a personification :-- Ðá cwæþ seó Gesceádwísnes, Bt. 5, 3 ; F. 12, l. V. a reason, an argument :-- Lóca nú hwæþer ðú wille ꝥ wit spyrigen æfter ǽnigre gesceádwísnesse furþor, nú wit ꝥ áfunden habbaþ ꝥ wit ǽr sóhton sed visne rationes ipsas invicem collidamus ?, Bt. 35, 5; F. 162, 31.

Related words: un-gesceádwísness. ge-sceadwisness
