
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - hæc

According to the Old English Dictionary:

gen. hæcce; f. A hatch, grating, a gate made of latticework [?] :-- Of ðare ealdan hæcce, Th. Chart. 394, 15, 21 : 395. 10, 22, 28 : 396, 4, 5, 14. [Prompt. Parv. hec, hek, or hetche, or a dore antica. On this word the following note is given :-- ' "Antica, a gate, or a dore, or hatche est antica domus ingressus ab anteriori," Ortus. "An heke antica," Cath. Ang. "Ostiolum hek," Roy. MS. 17 c. xvii. f. 27. "Hatche of a dore hecq," Pals. "Guichét, a wicket, or hatch of a doore," Cotg. Forby gives "hack, half-hack, a hatch, a door divided across." In the North, a heck-door is one partly latticed and partly panelled.' See also Skeat's Dict. hatch.] Cf. haca. hæc