
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ilce

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Sume undeáwas cumad of ōdrum suā ilce suā hié cōmon ǣr of ōdrum quaedam vitia sicut ex semetipsis gignunt alia, ita ex aliis oriuntur, Past. 306, 19. Þā yfelan hyne geseód swā ylce swā þā gōdan. Solil. H. 67, 16. Weaxe sió bōt. . . swā ilce swā sió manbōt dēd, Ll. Th. i. 150, 15. Swā ilce (same, ) swā, 17 : 19. And swā ylce be þǣre ōderre sunnan, 45, 13. ilce

Related words: l.
