
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - in-cuman

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. -com To come in, enter :-- Ðonne gé incumaþ on ðæt lond ðe ic eów sille cum ingressi fueritis terram; quam ego dabo vobis, Lewhatever house you enter, Homl. Th. ii. 534, 8. Gá hé út mid swilcum reáfe swilce hé incom cum quali veste intraverit, cum tali exeat, Ex. 21, 3. Ðá hié tósamne incóman when they entered together, Blickl. Homl. 173. 5. Ðǽr nǽfre nǽnig dǽl regnes incuman ne mæg never can any rain enter there, 125, 33. Incuma introire, Mk. Skt. Lind. 1, 45. in-cuman

Related words: 23, 10. On swá hwilcum húse swá gé incumaþ
