Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - inn
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- inn
- lodging, & c. Add :-- Hí gelógodon his bæd on þæs mynstres sprǽchúse . . . ꝥ inn wæs swýþe nearo, Hml. S. 31, 856. His healle oððe innes ipsius tabernaculi, R. Ben. I. 4, 2. Týnum and twéntigum on ánum inne ætgædere hí restan . . . Leóht on ðǽm selfum inne (cella) byrne, R. Ben. 47, 7. Se Gota gewennde tó his inne (húse, ) Gothus ad hospitium reversus, Gr. D. 81, 15. Án lang gealga stænt æt Amanes inne lignum stat in domo Aman, Hml. A. 100, 280. Hí heom in gecuron mid hyra méder, Hml. S. 30, 317. inn,inn-