
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - innan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

ad I. Gé synt innan fulle reáfláces intus estis pleni rapina, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 25. Hig synt innan fulle deádra bána intus plena sunt ossibus mortuorum, 23, 27. Heorot innan wæs freóndum áfylled, Beo. Th. 2039; B. 1017. Breóst innan weóll þeóstrum geþoncum his breast was agitated within by dark thoughts, 4652; B. 2331. Smire mid ða eágan innan smear the eyes therewith inside, L. M. 3, 2 ; Lchdm. ii. 308, 5. Innan of manna heortan yfele geþancas cumaþ abintus de corde hominum malæ cogitationes procedunt, Mk. Skt. 7, 21. Innan and útan, Cd. 66; Th. 80, 1; Gen. 1322 : Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 21; Cri. 1005: 60 a ; Th. 219, 2 ; Ph. 301. II. with gen :-- Is mé ænige gǽst innan hreðres anxiatus est in me spiritus meus, Ps. Th. 142, 4. Hie hiora onweald innanbordes [cf. Icel. innan-bords] gehióldon they maintained their power at home, Past. pref; Swt. 3, 7. Innabordes intus, Rtl. 2, 21. III. with dat :-- Ðá hé sæt innan húse discumbente eo in domo, Mt. Kmbl. 9, 10. Hé ádráf út ealle ða ðe ceápodun innan ðam temple ejiciebat omnes vendentes et ementes in templo, 21, 12. Gif hé ǽr on ðæs ofermódan engles wísan innan his geþance of Godes gesiehþe ne áfeólle nisi more superbientis angeli a conspectu conditoris prius intus aversione mentis caderet, Past. 47, 1; Swt. 359, 1. Hé wæs bebyrged innan ðære cyrican he was buried inside the church, Chr. 789; Erl. 57, 32. Ródetácn wearþ æteówed innan ðære dagenge a cross appeared at dawn, 806; Erl. 60, 24. IV. with acc :-- Feall innan ða sǽ jacta te in mare, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 21. Ne gá gé innan samaritana ceastre in civitates Samaritanorum ne intraveritis, 10, 5 : Andr. Kmbl. 2350; An. 1176. Innan ðás týd Gifemund forþférde and Brihtwald gehálgode Tobian on his steall at this time [or meanwhile] Gifemund died and Brihtwald consecrated Tobias in his place, Chr. 693; Erl. 43, 17. Hér fór se here innan Mierce in this year the Danes marched into Mercia, 868; Erl. 72, 21. V. in combination with in, on [cf. O. Sax. an innan], geond, be :-- Ðá hét ic feá strǽla sendan in ða burh innan paucas in civitatem dejici sagittas imperavi, Nar. 10, 22. In ðone ofn innan, Cd. 184; Th. 230, 24; Dan. 238: Exon. 58 b; Th. 211, 19; Ph. 200. On ðæt morþer innan, Cd. 18; Th. 22, 18; Gen. 342. Burgum in innan, Beo. Th. 3941; B. 1969. In innan intrinsecus, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 7, 15. Eardode ic in innan, Exon. 98 a; Th. 368, 31; Seel. 33. Ne wæs mé feorh ðá gén, ealdor in innan, 103 a; Th. 391, 10; Rä. 10, 3. Innan on ðisses holtes hleó, Cd. 39; Th. 52, 7; Gen. 840. On innan ðé in te, Ps. Th. 147, 2. Geond woruld innan, Exon. 14 b ; Th. 29, 28; Cri. 469 : 95 b; Th. 355, 43 ; Pa. 4. Geond Bryten innan, 45 b ; Th. 155, 5; Gú. 855. Be innan ðam carcerne, Bt. 1; Fox 4, 2. [Laym. inne : A. R. inne, ine : Ayenb. ine : Goth. innana ; adv. and prep. with gen : O. Sax. innan adv. and prep. with dat. acc : O. Frs. inna, ina; id : Icel. innan ; adv. and prep. with gen : O. H. Ger. innan, innana; adv. and prep. gen. dat. acc. Grff. i. 296 : Ger. innen.] v. innane. innan

Related words: and prep. gen. dat. acc. In, into, within, from within.
