Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - irnan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- irnan
- Add :-- Iornð cursat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 51. A. in-trans. I. of persons or animals. (l) to move quickly :-- Swá swá gigant yrnð on his weg. Ps. Th. 18, 6. Tógægnes iorneð occurrit, Lk. R. L. 22, 10. Forerynelas iernað beforan kyningum, Past. 91, 21. Án plegende cild arn under wǽnes hweowol, Shrn. 32, 12. Cúðberhtus arn plegende mid his efenealdum . . . Cúðberhtus þá gýt mid his plegan forð arn, Hml. Th. ii. 134, 2-16. Stǽnene manlícan hié styredan and urnon him sylfe, Bl. H. 173, 24. Þǽs cyninges þegnas þider urnon, Chr. 755 ; P. 48, 7 : Sat. 532. Him urnon ealle hellwaran ongeán, Bt. 35, 6 ; F. 168, 29: Jud. 164. Þá men onwócan and út urnon, Ors. 4, 2 ; S. 160, 22. Þá wífmen urnon wið þára wealla, 4, lo; S. 194, Iern discurre, Past. 193, 18. Irnn, Kent. Gl. 125. Yrn curre, Gr. D. 115, 5. Eorn, 325, 29. 'Gáð from geate tó geate . . . 'Ðæt is ðæt mon ierne from geate tó óðrum. Past. 383, 8. Hé hiene hét iernan fela míla beforan his rǽdwǽne, Ors. 6, 30; S. 280, 12. Wildu diór þǽr woldon tó irnan, Bt. 35, 6; F. 168, l. Ðá wildan hors scealden iornan on hearde wegas and him ðá limo tóbrecan, Shrn. 72, l. Se hrefn mid áþenedun fiðerum ongann yrnan hoppetende ymbútan þone hláf coruus expansis alis circa panem coepit discurrere, Gr. D. 118, 24. Iornende currens, Mt. L. 27, 48. Eornende currentes, Mt. R. 28, 8. (l a) figurative :-- Sió eáðmódnes iernð beforan ðǽm gielpe, Past. 299, 16. (2) to go about freely, without check or restraint :-- Ðá dysegan irnaþ hider and ðider dwoligende, Bt. 36, 5 ; F. 180, 12. Gif þú gesége ðeóf, somud ðú urne mid hine, Ps. Srt. 49, 18. (2a) figurative :-- Yrnende uagans, circumiens (vestrum mentes ingenium per scripturarum arna late uagans, Ald. 4, 15), An. Ox. 141. (3) with an idea of violence, attack :-- Gif man in mannes tún ǽrest geirneð, .vi. scillingum gebéte; sé þe æfter irneð .iii. scillingas, Ll. Th. i. 6, 17. (4) to run to shelter, fig. to have recourse to, resort to :-- Irnð currit (turris fortissima nomen Domini, ; ad ipsum currit justus, Prov. l.) mid ánmódnesse, Past. 344, 20. (5) of a course of action :-- Ðæt mód iernð on ðá unáliéfedan unðeáwas, and hit swá ðeáh ne onwæcneð tó ðon ðæt hit eft on ierne mid hreówsunga. Past. 431, 22. Þá þe on eallum ðingum wadaþ on hiora ágenne willan, and æfter hiora líchoman luste irnaþ, Bt. 41, 2; F. 246, 24. Búton hé tó ǽlcum men mæge gebeácnian ꝥ hé irne on his willan, ll, 1; F. 32, 21. Ðæt hé ierne ðreátigende from ðára unðeáwa ǽlcum tó óðrum, Past. 383, 8. (6) to run for a prize :-- Mon héhþ ǽnne heáfodbeáh gyldenne æt sumes ærneweges ende. Færþ þonne micel folc tó and irnaþ ealle endemes . . . and swá hwilc swá ǽrest tó ðám beáge cymþ, þonne mót sé hine habban him . . . swá déþ eall moncynn on þýs andweardan lífe, irnaþ and onettaꝥ and willniaþ ealle þæs héhstan gódes, Bt. 37, 2 ; F. 188, 8-14. II. of things. (l) of the heavenly bodies, clouds, & c. , to move rapidly through space :-- Sió sunne ne onhrínþ nó ðæs dǽles þæs heofenes ðe se móna on irnþ, ne se móna nó ne onhrínþ þæs dǽles ðe sió sunne on irnþ, Bt. 39. 13; F. 232, 28. Yrnþ, Ps. Th. 18, 6. Steorran yrnaþ wiþer-sýnes, Bl. H. 93, 19. Him arn on lást þýstre genip, Gen. 138. Gif se móna urne swá úp swá seó sunne déþ, Lch, iii. 248, 6. Ǽfre seó sunne byð yrnende ymbe ðás eorðan, 234, 22. (2) of a vessel or those on it :-- Hí tugon úp heora segel and urnon west tó Axamúðan, Chr. 1046; P. 169, ll. In sídum ceóle hé under segle yrne, Gn. Ex. 186. Þá gesáwon hié Rómána scipa on ðǽm sǽ irnan, Ors. 4, l ; S. 154, 5. Þæt scip wæs ealne weg yrnende under segle, l, l ; S. 19, 34. (3) to spread quickly :-- His word yrneð (eorneð, Ps. Srt.) wundrum snióme, Ps. Th. 147, 4. (4) of thoughts :-- Mé arn tó gemynde oft and gelóme it often occurred to me, Ll. Lbmn. 269, 16. (5) of a plant, to grow rapidly :-- Þ UNCERTAIN þæs wæstmes yrð þǽr má upp yrnende wǽre . . . þá georn (arn, v. l.) sóna úp genihtsumlic yrð ut illius frugis ibi potius seges oriretur . . . mox copiosa seges exorta, Bd. 4, 28 ; Sch. 521, 14-22. Úp yrnendre luxuriante, i. crescente, An. Ox. 1580. (6) of machinery (a mill or millstone) :-- Þá orn seó cweorn ðurh godcunde miht, Shrn. 145, 23. Ne mylnum nis álýfed tó eornenne, Wlfst. 227, 12. III. of a liquid or a moise substance, sand, & c. (l) to flow. v. irning; I. :-- Oft of denum yrnað deópe wyllan emittis fontes in convallibus, Ps. Th. 103, 10. Orn blód út. Ors. 5, 10 ; S. 234, 5. Þ UNCERTAIN hálige blód orn æfter eorðan swá swá flód, Shrn. 132, 21. Hwider arn ꝥ wæter on þám wídgillan flóde ? quo reversae sunt aquae (the waters of the Deluge)?, Angl. vii. 36, 339. Tófleówan, út urnon defluxerunt (ilia Arii), An. Ox. 2857. Swá sum ǽwelm and irnon manige brócas of, Bt. 34, l; F. 134, 10. Lǽt díne willas iernan (irnan, v. l.) wíde, Past. 373, 5. Wæter yrnende, Ps. Th. 64, ll : Gen. 211. Eornende, Ps. Sit. 57, 8. (l a) of the action of a purgative or emetic draught :-- Drinc swíðne drenc sé þe wille úp yrnan and ofdúne, Lch. ii. 116, 24. (2) where liquid is discharged from a receptacle, to flow with a liquid :-- Hié þrowiað ormǽtne þurst, and oft út yrnað gemengde útgange, Lch. ii. 230, 20. Gif mon blóde áne út yrne . . . oþþe gif mon for roppes untrumnysse út yrne, 170, 20-22. (3) to discharge a liquid :-- On ðone yrnendan mór, C. D. v. 393, 3. IV. of time, to pass, elapse :-- God gesceóp ealle ðá seofan dagas þe yrnað on þǽre wucan oð þysre worulde geendunge, Hml. S. 17, 95. Ernendum emrenum labentibus, i. currentibus lustris, An. Ox. 395. B. trans. To follow a course, way :-- Weg beboda þínra ic arn uiam mandatorum tuorum cucurri, Ps. L. 118, 32. Hié bióð gehwerfde eft tó þám ilcan ryne þe hié ǽr urnon, Bt. 21 ; F. 74, 12. Hé blissode swá swá ent tó yrnenne weg, Ps. Spl. 18, 6. v. fore-, of-irnan; tó-, út-irnende. irnan