Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - má

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Subst. or adj. Add: I. as subst. (I) with partitive genitive sing., something in addition, an additional quantity or amount :-- Ne wilnige ic heora nánes náwyt mycle má ðonne ic néde sceol habban tó mýnes líchaman héle. Solil. H. 37, 11. Ne wé wítegan habbað þæt ús andgytes má ǽfre secgan, Ps. Th. 73, 9. (2) a greater number, more individuals of the kind specified, (a) with partitive genitive plural (or of noun of multitude) :-- Næs his folces ná má ofslagen þonne nigon, Ors. 4, 1 ; S. 156, 24. Þ ǽr biþ wundra má þonne hit ǽnig mæg áþencean, Cri. 989. Februarius hæfð þý geáre (leap-year) ánum dæge má daga þonne þý óðrum geáre, Angl. viii. 305, 43. Hé áferede mancynnes má þonne gemet wǽre, An. 1180. (b) without partitive genitive :-- Gif má tó scyle, Ll. Th. i. 160, 3. .xii. búton gé má willan, 274, 11. Sý hit ofer áne scíre, sý hit ofer má, 224, 27. Þú hæfst mé manega bysna gereihte, and ic hæbbe sælf gesegen on bócum má þonne ic áreccan mage, Solil. H. 66, 13. (c) to express an indefinite excess over a number stated approximately :-- Sume habbað twá oþþe má. Ll. Th. i. 316, 9: 438, 13. Twá hund oððe má, El. 634: Ælfc. Gr. Z. 32, 16. (3) other individuals of the kind specified, other persons or things in addition to those mentioned :-- Ꝥ unriht álegde úre hlaford; ꝥ hé má móte. Ll. Lbmn. 244, 36. Þæt hé menige tó þám ilcan wuda þǽr ic ðás sceaftas cearf fetige hym þár má, Solil. H. 1. 11. Hwæt wille ic má cwæðan ?, 37, 6. (3a) with gen. :-- For þǽm hé ne úþe þæt ǽnig má folca for his þingum forwurde þonne hé self mid his ágenre þeóde, Ors. 2, 5; S. 80, 33. Ge londum ge on má ðára þinga ðe heó on forhaldne wéran, C. D. II. as adj.v. Dict. ma

Related words: 140, 15. Ic wæs on ceóle and mínes cnósles má, Rä. 19, 4.
