
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mægen-þrymm

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add : I. glory, majesty :-- Ðonne hé sit ofer setle his mægenþrymmes tunc sedebit super sedem maiestatis suae, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 237, 9 : Mt. 25, 31. On hys mægenþrymme in sede maiestatis suae, 19, 28. Swilce ic stande æt his wuldorfullan mægenþrymme foran, Hml. S. 23, 830. Seó hálige þrynnys on ánre godcundnysse ǽfre wunigende, on ánum mægenþrymme (II. in a personal sense, a mighty host :-- Þurh þá twelf apostolas, and þurh ealle andetteras and hálige fǽmnan, and þurh ealle þá heofonlican mægenþrymmas. Ll. Lbmn. 415, 19. III. mighty power :-- Ðonne hé cymð mid his mægenðrymme tó démanne and his wuldor tó ætiéwanne cum virtutis suae gloriam venit ostendere, Past. 307, 17. mægen-þrymm

Related words: mægen-þrymnes) and on ánum gecynde, Hml. A. 2, 25.
