
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mæsse-sang

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add: I. celebration of mass :-- Nán mæssesang beón ne mæg bútan þǽm þrím þingum, ꝥ is ofiǽtan and wín and wæter (cf. panis et vinuin et aqua sine quibus nequaquam missae celebrantur, III. 30, Ll. Th. ii. 406, 2. Hé him swíðlíce ondréd in þám mæssesange (in illa missarum celebritate), Gr. D. 309, 4. His gemynd sceal beón mǽrsad mid mæssesongum on eallum ciricum, Shrn. 84, 3. II. the service held on a saint's day, a (person's) mass. I b :-- SciUNCERTAIN Agapites mæssesang mæg gemétan sé þe sécð on þám níwran sacra-mentorum, Shrn. 119, 4. [Messe-song, Gen. and Ex. mæsse-sang

Related words: mæsse;
