
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - mæssepreóst-scír

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. The district attached to the church at which a masspriest officiated :-- Gif man hwylc metrum cild tó mæssepreóste bringe, sý of swylcre mæssepreóstscýre swylce hyt sý, L. E. I. 17; Th. ii. 412, 21. Cf. Ne spane nán mæssepreóst nánne mon of óðre cyrcean hýrnysse tó his cyrcan, ne of óðre preóstscýre lǽre ðæt mon his cyrcan geséce, and him heora teóþinge syllan, and ða geryhtu ðe hig ðam óðrum syllan sceoldan, 14; Th. ii. 410, 30-33. mæssepreost-scir