
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - máge

According to the Old English Dictionary:


f. A kinswoman :-- Elizabeþ ðín mǽge (máge, MSS. A. B.) cognata tua, Lk. Skt. 1, 36. Seó cwén his máge regina propinqua illius, Bd. 3, 24; S. 557, 24. Ða landes ðe hire máge hire geúþe, Chart. Th. 338, 14: 337, 27. From bearme ánre mágan, Exon. 112 b; Th. 430, 25; Rä. 44, 14. Grendles mágan (mother) gang, Beo. Th. 2786; B. 1391. Be hire mágan (propinqua), Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 3. Ne hǽme nán man wið his mágan ne wið his mǽges wíf, Lecousin) tó wífe, Homl. Th. ii. 476, 19. Menn hæfdon on frymþe heora mágan tó wífe, Homl. Skt. 10, 215. v. mǽge, mága. mage

Related words: 18, 16. Se wolde niman his mágan (
